New Zealand Festivals – There’s one with your name on it.

New Zealand Festivals
New Zealand Festivals – There’s one with your name on it.

Its true, New Zealander's love to celebrate - any excuse for a party and the more that turn up the merrier. Nearly every day, somewhere, someone will be staging a festival or public event celebrating what-ever it is that we Kiwis Love.  If you are thinking of a New Zealand holiday, it may well be worth planning your trip around a specific event, as there is no better way to gain an insight into the New Zealand way of life, our humour, creativity and quirky nature.

Blue Man group Christchurch

You also get to experience the best of what’s on offer, after all festivals are all about showing off, so whether that be food or wine, music or one of the hundreds of other things we kiwi's feel we must pay homage to - we know you'll be in for a treat.  The list is overwhelming and covers everything from Russell’s ‘Fly like a Bird-man Festival’ to Hokitika’s 'Wild Food Festival' - why not try wasp larvae ice-cream or worm sushi; after all when in Rome...  Here are some links to the main New Zealand festivals by Destination, if you think we have missed one, please feel free to drop us a line and if you are looking for something specific we are more than happy to offer you a helping hand.


Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
: 20 Nov 2013 (Last updated: 8 Dec 2017)

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