July 2024

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Eco Conference
Suzie Thorp
Danielle Mueth our Sustainability Manager attended Ecotourism Australia’s inaugural 2024 Global Sustainable Tourism Summit that was held in Meeanjin/Brisbane, in June 2024. 
Suzie Thorp

Del Gorton at the ground breaking at Tewa Banks Community Housing
Suzie Thorp
First Light Travel is proud to be the major sponsor of the newly created Arrowtown Community Tree Nursery. The aim is to grow seedlings that will adapt easily to the local landscape - providing revegetation to the hills around Arrowtown. This land had fallen prey to wilding pines - which grassroots local community organisation the Arrowtown Choppers has made its mission to restore to native forest.
Suzie Thorp

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The price is based on current exchange rates but is only an approximation. Please contact us for a final price