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New Zealand Giant Weta - Contender for Worlds Biggest Bug Status
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
Mark Moffett, a former park ranger and nature lover recently revealed how he spent two days tracking down this giant Weta on Little Barrier Island - an uninhabited nature reserve north in the Hauraki Gulf. Mark originally from Colorado, discovered the weta up a tree after walked the trails of the small island for two nights. "This became all the more amazing when I realized that this was the largest insect recorded."
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Psychedelic Jumping Australian has nothing but Eyes For You!
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Meet the Peacock spider - this 5mm Long showoff; raises his abdomen vertically, expands his flaps and displays them like a peacock's tail. But the brilliant colouring is not just for decoration.

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Great Barrier Reef to be named as one of the Natural Wonders – Well Maybe.
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

A four-year long competition to name the seven wonders of the natural world winners will be announced at 11.11am on Friday, the 11th day of the 11th month in 2011…Well its 11.11pm on Friday night, the 11th day of the 11th month in 2011 Down here and we’re still waiting for the Northern Hemisphere to get out of bed!

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Chancellor Dome Overnight Hike – Fox Glacier
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

One of the most stunning natural wonders in New Zealand has to be Fox Glacier. At 13kms, Fox Glacier (Te Moeka o Tuawe) is the longest of the awe-inspiring West Coast glaciers, and its 36 square km neve is bigger than the size of Christchurch city!  But to really experience what it has to offer you need to get near its head – and that’s a two-day trip.

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Darwin’s “Cage of Death” - Face to Face with a Fully Grown Salty
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

This attraction at Crocosaurus Cove in the heart of the city of Darwin in the Northern Territory has been given high marks by adrenaline-junkies. The “Cage of Death” allows the participant to get up close and personal with a fully-grown Saltwater Crocodiles. Read on and Have a Look at How Close these Croc's actually get!

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

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