Global Sustainable Tourism Summit 2024

Global Sustainable Tourism Summit 2024

Danielle Mueth our Sustainability Manager attended Ecotourism Australia’s inaugural 2024 Global Sustainable Tourism Summit that was held in Meeanjin/Brisbane, in June 2024. 

Eco Conference

About the Global Sustainable Tourism Summit

The 2024 inaugural Global Sustainable Tourism Summit explored the theme ‘People, Planet, Place, Purpose’, delving into how all sectors of the visitor economy can address the four pillars of sustainability: positive environmental, cultural, and socio-economic impact, and sustainable business management. The event continues Ecotourism Australia’s legacy of hosting one of the world’s longest running ecotourism conferences (formerly Global Eco).

2024 Conference Delegats

Feedback from Danielle

"I was fortunate to attend the Global Sustainable Tourism Summit 2024 hosted by Ecotourism Australia in Meanjin Brisbane. The summit started off with a site visit to the Scenic Rim with the ecotourism certified operator, Southern Cross Tours. We had the opportunity to experience O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat, a certified accommodation provider, and visit the Tamborine Mountain glowworm caves, an ecotourism certified operator that has rehabilitated a portion of the local rainforest, and is working toward the conservation of the glowworm.

The next couple days were filled with the inspiring stories of others in the industry. With over 270 experienced delegates in attendance at the conference, it was the perfect opportunity to discuss industry best practice for moving toward a more sustainable and regenerative future.

Keynote speakers attended from a variety of nations to provide perspective and focused on important topics, such as accessibility of nature-based tourism, creating purposeful indigenous engagement and involvement, and the future role of new technologies to support the industry’s sustainable development, among many other topics. With so much opportunity to for growth, the most important take away is to "Just Start" – even a small change in the right direction is progress!"

Interested to find out more about First Light Travels Sustainability focus?

We are proud to be the major sponsor of the  Arrowtown Community Tree Nursery

Congratulations Danielle! First Light Travel Appoints Sustainability Manager Danielle

Its time to improve our environmental footprint Find Out How to Offset Your Carbon

Check out our article explaining the concept of the QEII Covenant Land Donation: Mahu Whenua Land Donation

Read about our Tree Planting Event in April 2024: First Light Travel Tree Planting April 2024

Learn more about our Tree Planting Event in October 2023: First Light Travel Tree Planting October 2023

Explore our article about grassroots environmental champions Arrowtown Choppers: Arrowtown Choppers


Suzie Thorp
: 17 Jul 2024 (Last updated: 6 Sep 2024)

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