The Premium Abel Tasman Kayak & Walk

Coastal Abel Tasman Hiking

The Premium Abel Tasman Kayak & Walk

This 3 day Abel Tasman Guided Hike is Ideal for those short on time and want to experience the park in style. Either walk the entire length of the Abel Tasman Coastal Track or take your time and experience the highlights. How about kayaking? The calm waters make for a great kayaking experience, beginners or experienced kayakers alike. You may choose to kayak sections or even take a day out relaxing on the beach. Having both kayaking and hiking guides, a selection of purpose built boats, and beachfront lodges allows us to give you the opportunity to do what you want to do - or even change your mind.

Southound Departures (Totaranui to Marahau) every Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Northbound Departure (Marahau to Totaranui) every Wednesday


Abel Tasman Track, New Zealand Hiking

Visited Locations

3 Days
4 Star Beachfront Lodges


4 Star Beachfront Lodges (See Itinerary)
All Meals in the Abel Tasman
All Transport/Transfers
All Your Water Transfers
Friendly Knowledgeable Guides
Kayaks and Saftey Equipment


Pricing terms

The price is based on current exchange rates but is only an approximation. Please contact us for a final price